Hacking the T2S+ Out of Fear: Get Lock-In Thermography for Free
September 29, 2024

By now you have probably seen the sea of cheap Chinese thermal cameras meant to plug into your phone that have
flooded the market, and quite quickly out-competed stuff like the FLIR smartphone plugins. The reasons are pretty
simple: they have higher refresh rates and often better resolutions. Recently, I became the owner of one of these
The ProPico, an improved Raspberry Pi Pico board
December 19, 2023

Have you ever wondered what makes something "Pro"? Many companies use "Pro" for their most expensive products as if
they actually offer any real value to professionals. Well, I believe it should offer meaningful improvements over
the base model, for people who actually use these tools for
work and expect appropriate performance from them.
With that being said, you all know I love the RP2040 and the Raspberry Pi Pico...
How I went about driving an EL320.240.36 display and why the RP2040 PIO is amazing
November 12, 2023

I have always been fascinated by different display technologies, and try to collect and preserve the unique ones. At the
age of 13 I already wanted to build a nixie
clock just because I liked the way they looked. At 15 I ordered a box of POS
terminals just to extract the VFD displays form them. And when I was 17, I ordered an obscure soviet plasma display just
for the sake of it.